Simon Levin
Tax, Trusts and Estates
Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. attorneys represent clients in a wide range of tax and estate planning matters, tax litigation and disputes. Our attorneys, many of whom are former IRS trial attorneys, have over twenty years of experience successfully representing clients before the Internal Revenue Service, in United States Tax Court and the New Jersey Superior Division of Taxation. In the area of estate planning, we provide advice on the most sophisticated techniques, including the design, drafting and implementation of complex wills and trusts, the creation of family partnerships and family limited liability companies, and the design and implementation of many other business and personal planning techniques. We have extensive expertise in advising and representing tax-exempt organizations.
Additionally, we provide tax counseling relating to choice of entity and formation, transactional structuring, compensation issues, and related matters. In the area of international tax law, we have counseled domestic and international companies on U.S. tax law and liability as a consequence of their business transactions.
Sills Cummis & Gross P.C. is one of New Jersey's largest law firms, with a strong regional presence and an established reputation among national and international clients. Our lawyers represent businesses in corporate transactions, complex litigation and regulatory matters.
Simon Levin
Sills Cummis & Gross PC
1 Riverfront Plaza
Newark NJ 07102-5400
Tel: 973 643-5950
Fax: 973 643-6500
Accredited Estate Planner - National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
Simon Levin is Chair of the Firm's Tax and Financial Planning Practice Group. He has over thirty-five years of experience with in-depth and innovative tax and financial planning expertise for businesses and individuals. Mr. Levin has written and lectured widely on various tax topics. His articles have appeared in The Journal of Taxation, New Jersey State Bar Association Journal, Pension and Profit-Sharing Tax Journal, Taxation for Lawyers, Taxation for Accountants, The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, New Jersey Law Journal, CCH Financial and Estate Planning Reporter and Research Institute of America Estate Planners Alert. He co-authored the book, Estate Planning and Administration in New Jersey, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' textbook on Taxation of Investors in Securities and Commodities.
An active member in community affairs and state politics throughout his career, Mr. Levin served as a member of the Department of the Treasury Transition Team for Governor Christine Todd Whitman and as a member of the New Jersey State Treasurer's Tax Advisory Group. The State of New Jersey has awarded Mr. Levin its highest honor for service to the State and its people, The New Jersey Meritorious and Distinguished Service Medals.
Mr. Levin has been selected for inclusion in the 2001-2011 editions of The Best Lawyers in America published by Woodard/White under Tax Law and the 2005-2011 editions of New Jersey Super Lawyers published by Thompson Reuters under Estate Planning and Probate.
